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52% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Testimony.

You shall come up in your testimony.

You shall be blessed in your testimony.

You shall come forth in the first resurrection be numbered among the happy millions who have overcome by the blood of the lamb and the power of your testimony.

Thou shalt have dreams and visions that shall be a testimony unto thee that thy Heavenly Father is pleased with thee.

Those that have rejected thy testimony shall come bending unto thee and thine after they have paid the uttermost farthing for their rebellion seeking for favor.

Thou shalt help bind up the law and seal up the testimony with regard to this generation.

I seal upon you a blessing that you may bear your testimony of Jesus and be a mighty man of God.

Be full of faith, hope and charity and of the testimony of Jesus.

Your joy shall be increased as your days and your years increase, and you shall have this to add to your testimony that you have seen the Lord.

Your faith shall increase and the testimony that your Redeemer lives shall be greater and brighter every day of your life.

Thou shall be blessed to bear a faithful testimony unto thousands.

Thou shalt live until thou art satisfied with life, and have a testimony that the Lord requires no more at thy hands.

I say unto thee that thou shalt accordingly go forth and bind up the Law and Seal up the Testimony and shall declare before Heaven, and before the World, that Jesus is the Christ, that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of the Most High God. Thou shalt bear witness of the Resurrection of the Dead, of what thy eyes have seen, and what thy ears have heard, that thou hast seen Him and enjoyed his Society. He has placed his hands upon thy head and blessed thee. Canst Thou believe that? It is true!

I bless thee that thou mayest be firm for the right even having a good word for the work of the Lord and his authority here on earth bearing testimony of the truth on all occasions when good many result therefrom.

Thou shalt become mighty and powerful in the testimony of Jesus and the wicked and the ungodly shall quail and tremble at thy presence and at the sound of thy voice for thy voice shall become a terror unto the wicked and the evil doer.

I bless you that you may be full of faith and open charity and of the testimony of Jesus.

Thy teachings and thy testimonies and thy labors will cause thy heart to rejoice.

It always was, and always shall be natural for you to believe the truth, to be willing to be led by those whose right it is to lead, but never to be driven, for you are pronounced in your convictions and by nature bold in your defense of what you think is the right.

Your faith will be strengthened and you will have the assurance that God lives and the divinity of the mission of his Son, Jesus Christ.

God will give unto you a testimony of the work that will be required at thy hands.

Father, wilt thou be mindful of this, thy hand maid that the testimony of the Gospel may burn in her heart that she may always have a ready answer to those inquiring after truth.

Seek diligently that your faith and testimony shall be strengthened and that you shall be able to comprehend all of the principles of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as they shall be presented to you.

In the testimony that will come to you, you shall have joy unspeakable in contemplating the truths everlasting of the Gospel.

A testimony of the Gospel has been given unto you.

Bear your testimony to the truthfulness of the Gospel which you have, and I promise you, that you shall never lose that testimony as long as you perform your duties.

Your testimony shall increase until you shall know, without a shadow of a doubt, that Jesus is the Christ and that this is His great Latter-Day work, designed to save to the uttermost, the children of men.

It will be your duty and mission to teach your children the principles of the gospel bearing to them a testimony of the Lords' goodness.

You will be strong in the preaching of the Gospel to those with whom you come in contact, and many will rejoice because of your testimony.

As thou shalt seek knowledge and wisdom from the scriptures and from good books thy mind shall be receptive to true principles and thou shalt have a firm testimony of the gospel and an understanding of its principles and the plan of life and salvation.

You shall bear your testimony at home and abroad that the Lord lives and that His work has been established upon the earth in these latter days.

Your testimony will grow and increase.

You were chosen as a choice spirit in the Spirit World to come forth in the day when the Gospel was restored that you might receive a testimony of the divine mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

You will know of a surety and all doubt will leave your mind and the testimony of the truth shall ring in your soul.

It is recorded and ratified by the angels of heaven who rejoice over you and your testimony.

The day will come dear Sister when there will be those who will love the testimony that you give. Your testimony will be such that those who hear you in the spirit of love will be greatly strengthened.

As you study and attend to your duties as a member in the church, your faith will grow and your testimony will increase and you will know beyond question that God lives, that His Son, Jesus Christ, is truly the redeemer of the world and that Joseph Smith is a prophet assigned the work of restoring the gospel in its fullness in these last days.

The Lord will bless you with a testimony which will be strong and fervent.

Thy testimony will be greatly increased and the spirit thereof will radiate from your being, that will give you joy in your labors and bring happiness to all those with whom you associate.

Continue to be humble and prayerful and to seek increased knowledge that your testimony will strengthen.

Let your companions be those who have a testimony of the Gospel and it will help you, and will guard and protect you.

Thou shalt be given special experiences which shall further strengthen thy testimony of the divinity of the Gospel.

As you attain to a testimony of truth you will have the power to discern between truth and error.

Your testimony will grow and develop and you can be an instrument in the hands of the Lord in helping to aid and assist in building up the Kingdom of God here upon the earth.

Your testimony of the gospel will grow beyond that which you now can realize. You will be blessed to know that Joseph Smith was an instrument in the hands of our Father in Heaven in the restoration of the gospel in these, the last days; that Jesus is the Son of God, the Savior of the world, the blesser of mankind. This testimony, as you bear it to the good and advancement of our Father's cause will become the greatest blessing in your life.

Your testimony of the gospel will continue to grow and become very precious in your life.

It will be your privilege to bear testimony of the prophet of the restoration, even the Prophet Joseph.

I bless you with the gift of faith that you shall continue to grow in testimony and knowledge of the plan of life and salvation. You shall bear testimony of the divinity of Jesus Christ, of Joseph Smith as a true Prophet of God and of this Church and its truths.

There are yet many great and marvelous things to take place in your lifetime that will bring you to a greater testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Your testimony will determine the future of many.

You have a special gift of knowing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that he did come and dwell among men and fulfill His mission of redeeming this world and of making it possible for all those who will look to Him and keep His commandments to, at some future time, dwell with Him.

The power of your testimony will influence many to change their lives so that they will live in harmony with the principles of the gospel and the plan of salvation.

The testimony will come to you that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior. This testimony will grow within you and will become vibrant within you and will sustain you and give direction to your life during those times when you will need this support.

As thou shalt bear thy testimony freely, the Lord shall touch their hearts and give unto them the assurance of the truthfulness of thy testimony.

You are blessed by believing and knowing the truth. You are not easily swayed. You will bear your testimony to many.

You shall not doubt the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Your conviction and testimony shall grow into perfect knowledge.

See that your testimony grows and that your knowledge of the gospel increases.

I bless you with the gift of the knowledge that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. This is one of the greatest blessings which could be given to you. I counsel you, while you have a testimony at the present time, that you seek for this greater witness. If you will so seek and obtain this great witness, you shall know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Christ does live, that he was crucified, resurrected and is the Savior and Redeemer of all mankind.

You have received a testimony of the reality of things not seen, and therefore you are a chosen witness of the Savior and of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Seek therefore to bear your testimony, in all truth, and faithfulness, to the knowledge, to the divinity of this great work and to your thankfulness to your Heavenly Father at all times.

You will know, nothing doubting, that Jesus Christ is your elder brother, the Savior and Redeemer. You shall never doubt or question that experience nor that testimony which shall burn in your heart, and which shall prompt you to good and marvelous works.

You are blessed with the gift of testimony and will bear a powerful and fervent testimony of those things you know to be true.

You will be diligent and faithful in carrying the truth to many of your brothers and sisters, for many will receive your testimony.

Stand upon your feet at appropriate times and places and declare your testimony of Him and His holy work to redeem. As you bear this testimony, many individuals will be drawn to you, and desire greater faith in Jesus Christ and His divine work.

The scriptures will bring you truth and testimony.

Continue to strive to build upon that testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel which has been given unto you as a gift from God and which abides within your soul. Nourish this testimony.

Begin today to seek for the First Spiritual Gift revealed in the 46th Section of the Doctrine & Covenants of receiving a personal testimony to know that God lives.

Your faith and testimony will grow each day as the spirit of the gospel comes into your heart.

you should rely upon your testimony, that it will sustain you. And as those voices that you shall hear say nay here, and nay there, but you will look straight forward and hold steadfast to the rod of iron.

Be grateful for the testimony you have. Take advantage of the opportunity to bear your testimony for it is the responsibility of those of us who are from Ephraim to do so that the spirit of the gospel may be felt throughout the whole world.

Build a deep, firm and abiding testimony of the Restored Gospel and the Lord's Church.

I bless you with a strong testimony of the restored gospel that you can pass on to others. A strong testimony of a living Prophet, a strong testimony of the restored gospel here on earth and a strong testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith. May the strong testimony of the restored gospel be with you throughout your lifetime to strengthen you in time of need and help you find answers to your prayers. Continue to build that testimony and Heavenly Father will bless you and watch over you.

Now, blessings are extended to you that as you continue to be valiant and faithful in your testimony you will see opportunities of service throughout your life.

You have a testimony that can be so strong, even stronger than you believe.

I bless you with gift of testimony that you will live your life as an open book of your testimony.

Your testimony will grow and swell in you to a greater degree than it has to this point.

Your testimony will grow and become stronger in accordance with your faith, works and desires. The beauties and majesty of this marvelous world in which we live will become a greater testimony to you of our loving Heavenly Father and the Savior.

You have enjoyed the sweet spirit of the Holy Ghost that has blessed you to know within you that the gospel being taught is true. The Lord has blessed you that this has matured into a testimony and given you a desire to fulfill your obligations to our Heavenly Father.

Your testimony will grow and become stronger with time.

I bless you that you will be able to find opportunities to share the gospel with others, that they will be natural occurrences and you will be able to feel inspired having words provided for you to make your testimony understandable and clear to those who are maybe confused or lack understanding in spiritual things.

I bless you that you will appreciate the ability to have your testimony grow and strengthen as you take the opportunity to share it with others.

As you meet with the people you will have the opportunity of bearing your testimony to them of the truthfulness of the restored gospel and the atoning sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I bless you with the strongest of testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ, of the prophet, Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, and of the great plan of happiness.

I bless you with the gift of testimony.

You will be blessed with an understanding of the teachings and a testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel that will never leave you.

Brother *****, you have a growing testimony of the gospel.

I bless you that your mind will be open and attentive as you study the scriptures and promise you that if you will ponder them and pray about them, you will gain an unshakable testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel.

Give your testimony.

Be not hesitant to bear your testimony to those with whom you associate.

You will feel the witness of the Spirit that this is the work of God and not of man and you will bear that testimony to others when it is fitting to do so. Your testimony of this great latter-day work of the restoration will never diminish. It will grow and increase as time goes by until you will have a perfect witness that Joseph Smith is the Lord's prophet and that God lives and is over this work with all of His children throughout the world.

I bless you, that as your knowledge and understanding increases, that you your (sic) testimony will grow and increase in a corresponding manner. That understanding and testimony will direct you in many ways in your life and will influence the decisions you make. It will also give you comfort and strength and hope in times of difficulty and discouragement and sorrow.

Your testimony will be strengthened..

Continually look for and rejoice in the testimony that you carry in your heart concerning truth.

You have a testimony of the gospel and the marvelous Restoration and will continually be added upon through your faithfulness, through your studies and through your prayers. Seek the companionship of the Holy Spirit and you will receive the whisperings and guidance that comes to favored sons of the Most High. Your testimony will grow into full conversion, you will establish your eternal identity and find happiness all the days of your life

You will not convince others through the reasoning of the world, but the Spirit of the Lord will bear testimony to the hearts of others, that what you speak is true because you are a man of integrity.

Bear your testimony and people will listen to what you have to say.

You will be a disciple of the Lord and will gain a firm testimony of the truth of the Gospel.

In the course of events, you will express your faith and testimony to your parents. Do not speak of tenets, nor argue, nor enter into any contentious discussion. Simply express your love for them and your sisters.

The Savior desires that your testimony be strengthened and grow through your good works.

Share your testimony and invite your friends to read the Book of Mormon and to come to Church.

Many will accept what you say, others will not, but your testimony will stand as a witness.

I bless you with a divine testimony of the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Restoration, the Prophet Joseph Smith, and the Book of Mormon.

I bless you that you will feel a strong testimony in your soul - a burning in your bosom - that will carry you forward.

You will bear your testimony with power and conviction to those people with whom you come in contact. They will feel the Spirit emulate through that testimony, and through that Spirit.

You have developed a testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel.

I bless you, *****, with the gift of bearing a fervent testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - not only in word but in deed, and in your kind personality that will shine through to those in whom you come in contact both inside and out the Church.

Your testimony will grow. Your testimony is dynamic. It is either growing or shrinking. Always strive to move forward and to build your testimony.

By sharing your faith and your testimony, you will save lives of individuals.

From premortality you have been endowed with the Gift of Testimony; for you know that Jesus is the Christ, and with ever increasing faith, you know that His gospel has been restored to the earth in these latter days.

Share your testimony whenever possible for those that hear you will be edified and blessed.

Use you faith and bear your testimony. This will strengthen others and youself.

I bless you, *****, with the gift of testimony.

Your heart will be full as you share your testimony of the gospel with family and friends.

I bless you with the strongest of testimonies of the Prophet Joseph Smith. You will know within your heart and soul that he saw God, the Father, and His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, that they taught him, and he did as he was bidden.

You grew a marvelous testimony and understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I bless you that you can be strong and valiant in your testimony always. You know deep down inside that God lives, and that Jesus Christ is your Savior, and that the atonement is real, and that this is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You have a growing testimony that these things are true. You will have a growing desire within you to bear your witness of what you know is true. You may feel inadequate on occasion to be able to do so, but you can, and you will share testimony, bear testimony, bear witness that will strengthen others' testimonies including your sisters and your parents. Do not hide your testimony, but let others see it and know that it is growing within you.

You will be sent to a place where there will be many people who will respond to the testimony you will frequently bear, and to your personality, and to your knowledge of the spirit.

Your testimony has grown and you are on your way.

You will have opportunities to bear your testimony often.

You have a strong testimony of the gospel.

Your testimony of the reality of a living Father in Heaven and of Jesus Christ as the Savior of this world will grow and increase. That testimony will become a powerful influence upon you, to help you as you navigate the pitfalls of this world.

Your testimony will help others to know the truthful of the gospel. You should bear your testimony often in your life. Take opportunities in sacrament meetings to bear your testimony.

I bless you that your testimony will be strong.

You have come to earth with the gift of testimony.

You will be able to gain a stronger testimony of your own where you can know for a surety that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that prophets are amongst us today.

I bless you with the gift of testimony that Jesus is the Christ. I bless you that, as you bear testimony of Christ, your testimony will grow, the love of the Savior will grow, and other gifts of the spirit will be manifest in your life. I admonish you to bear testimony of the Savior when you are in the process of courting and dating.

You have been blessed with a strong testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and with the desire to do what you are asked in righteousness and to be faithful and obedient to the commandments.

The Sisters of the Relief Society will be your strength. Sisters will be sent from the Father to mentor and assist you in many ways. You will share with them your feelings and testimony that you could not express to anyone else.

Du hast eine Óberzeugung in Deinem Herzen, dass er, Jesus Christus, sein Leben für uns gegeben hat, und dass die ganze Menschheit von seiner Gnade abhängig ist. Du weiøt, dass durch ihn die Auferstehung zustande gekommen ist und dass die ganze Menschheit ihm einmal dafür danken wird.

You will enlighten others with your testimony.

When questions arise, study these things out in your mind and in your heart, ask your Father in Heaven in the name of Jesus Christ concerning these questions, and by the power of the Holy Ghost, you will come to know the truth of all things. Always remember that you must ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Jesus Christ and you will be able to come to a knowledge of the truth.

Blessing #20
I bless you to have a deep and strong testimony of the existence of God and His love for you and of your importance to Him.

Blessing #21
I bless you that you give voice to your convictions and express with courage your testimony of the divinity of the Savior.

Blessing #80
Be faithful in your testimony.

Blessing #123
You will have skill in the bearing of your testimony. It will be by the accommodation of the holy spirit.