Patriarchal Blessing Revelator


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9% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Reputation.

Many honours shall be conferred on thee. Thy brethren shall love thee.

Thy name shall be remembered down to many generations and thy glory shall be seen of the daughters of Abraham, for with the household of faith thou shalt be numbered, not as a foreigner or a stranger but a fellow heir and citizen of that house.

Thou shalt raise up a posterity, and they shall be held in high estimation among the saints.

Thy name shall be invoked with the great men of the earth because thy heart is filled with love of the Lord thy God.

Even captains of ships shall say unto thee, Thou are a man of God.

Thy fame shall be known far and near.

Your fame shall be known far and near for your honesty and integrity to the truth.

For thy kindness many shall bless thee in thine old age and thy fame for good shall go forth for good among the people.

Thy name shall be known in the earth and handed down from generation to generation in honor by thy descendants.

Thy qualifications and virtues shall be magnified in the ears of thine associates that thy true worth shall be appreciated.

Thy name shall be honorable in the land.

There are thousands and tens of thousands that will rise up and call you blessed.

Your name shall be known unto the tribes of Israel as one whom God delights to bless.

Thou will have peace of mind and all who associate with you will honor and revere you.

Such as others shall speak of lightly, and make sport of, they shall learn that you are their defender, for you shall come to their rescue, and thus shall your name be praised among men.

If you will live the laws and keep the commandments of our Father, the destroyer shall pass you by and you shall enjoy many of the good things of this world and the honor of men and women in the best society.

The blessings of the new and everlasting covenant shall rest mightily upon your descendants and the spirit and mission of Ephraim shall make itself felt and your house shall be known in many lands and in many climes.

Fill your mind with the knowledge of the gospel, for it shall stand you in good stead and will raise you up in the eyes of those around you.

If you seek the Lord to learn of his ways and walk in His paths, He will build you up and make you great in the eyes of good men and women. Your name will be honorable in the land.

The way will be provided for you to be one of the dutiful sisters in Zion and you will be loved by your associates.

Your name will be honorable in the land.

You shall be honored and esteemed of men for the gospels sake and your influence will be felt in many places. Your counsel will be sought and you shall be classed as a leader of men.

You will be looked upon by those you are associated with as a serious and spiritual man.

You will be known by all with whom you associate for your honesty and that your word can be trusted.

Remember Heavenly Father as you go through life receiving the praise and honors of men for successes you achieve. Do everything you do with an eye single to God's glory, then as you receive praise, honors and worldly rewards you will be able to keep them in perspective.

You will be recognized for your contributions to the vocation you choose. Recognition will come to you. Accept it humbly and gratefully and always do the things that would set a proper example for those with whom you associate.

You will be known for your humility of heart and your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

I bless you to be successful in your social and civic activities. You will be known as a righteous person.

Those you teach will feel of your spirit and will trust you, for they will know you have their best interests at heart. People will be attracted to you, for you will love your neighbor as yourself and be able to pray for those who might spitefully use you.

Your exploration of the topics of your chosen field will be extensive and you will be recognized for your efforts.

You will be known as a woman of great worth, a woman of great value as you live here upon the earth.

Your family will be instrumental in bringing peace in your neighborhood, and many will look to you and call your name blessed.

I bless you that through your faith that you will be known in many parts of the church, many places that you will be known for your ability to bear witness of Jesus Christ.

You will be known as a man of strong faith who relies upon his Father in Heaven to give him direction.

Blessing #123
I bless you to have much success in your chosen activities in temporal affairs.