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12% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Repentance.

Thou shall be one of that number that come up through great tribulation that washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

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You shall be an instrument in the hands of God to bring many souls unto repentance.

If you make mistakes, let wisdom teach you to avoid them and never reproach yourself after you have done your best.

You will be able to shun the very appearance of evil if you will keep humble by prayer and by the spirit of repentance, and if you have said or done things that have been displeasing in the sight of the Lord in the past repent and He will forgive you. If you should slip and fall by the wayside by doing wrong get up with courage and pray for forgiveness then He will forgive. For he has promised that He will forgive all men their trespasses if they will repent.

If you through your own desires follow any other path, you shall know that the spirit of the lord withdraws from you and until you repent and seek again the spirit of the Lord your guardian angel shall stand by, and you shall not feel his warnings until you have turned out in your pathway seeking again, through repentance, the blessings from on High.

I bless you that you might be able to enjoy in your life the freedom of a conscience that you will be able to exercise the principle of repentance such that your conscience may be free of encumbrances and that you may look at your wife with joy and the knowledge that you are worthy of her and she of you.

Repent regularly, cleansing you heart of all things not of the Gospel, and thus purify and strengthen your life to do the desire of your Heavenly Father.

Should mistakes be made, repent quickly so as to appreciate and enjoy the blessings that come through repentance and forgiveness.

God gave His Son that you would have the opportunity through repentance to return to Him along with your companion.

Because of your repentance and baptism you are heir to the blessings that were given to Abraham and renewed to Isaac and Jacob.

You will appreciate the importance of the great principles of repentance and forgiveness.

Repent, forgive and forget if circumstances develop that require such action by you.

I bless you that you will also appreciate the Atonement and sacrifice that He has made on your behalf, and continue to live your life worthily, so that as you repent of any thing that you may do that is not pleasing in His sight, these things may be taken from you and you may receive the peace and the comfort that will be necessary. In this manner you will be able to recognize that your Heavenly Father loves you and desires for you to return to live with Him once more.

As you put forth your best effort, hearken unto the words of the Lord, repent if you trip and fall, and endure well to the end, you will come forth as a faithful, wise, and just steward.

I bless you with the ability to forgive and forget your own weaknesses and mistakes of the past, and to feel the full atoning power of your Savior In your life, to feel his love and his peace rest upon your heart and soul. Truly he has forgiven you.

You have an opportunity to enjoy all of the blessings that have been provided by the atonement of the Savior, including the process of repentance and the opportunity to qualify to return to your Heavenly Father with all your loved ones.

What a great blessing the atonement should be in your life, to know that errors through correct repentance can be overcome through the atonement of Jesus Christ.

you must live your life in the spirit of repentance, and so must your parents if they desire to be in the eternal kingdom of Heavenly Father.

There will be times when you recognize you need to change your life to receive the gift of repentance.

Your faith in Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice is a choice and wonderful blessing that will help you repent.

Love the Master and embrace His Atonement and utilize it to overcome mistakes and do not question God's ways.

But in your young age, sweet sister, you have had the faith unto repentance and you have repented unto baptism where you have done your best to shed your sins.

You will love the gift of repentance, you will experience the blessing of spiritual rebirth.

First receive salvation through the atonement of Christ in your personal life and then make sure that salvation is brought into the lives of the children you will bear and bring into this life.

You have been given a period of time here upon the earth where you can experience mortality and repent of those mistakes you will make.

Also be forewarned that you will be saved by the grace of your Savior, Jesus Christ. You cannot demand exaltation. You will pray for his grace and his mercy to be exercised on your behalf. You will qualify for these many blessings if you are contrite and come before the Lord with a broken heart.

I promise you that as you study and learn about the atonement of Jesus Christ, and allow it to have effect upon your life, that you will have your sins forgiven.

Blessing #20
If you sometimes make mistakes, repent quickly and return to God.