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22% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Listening.

Be patient and listen to counsel.

Never be hasty to give thy opinion upon matters that you understand not, and follow the counsel of the servants of the Lord, and these words shall not fail.

Thou must hearken to the councils of those whom thy heavenly father has given to direct the way of the youth.

Listen to the whisperings of the still small voice of the comforter.

Hearken to the council of the Servants of God.

Thou wilt be required to listen to the voice of the instructors that are set to guide the minds of men and the daughters of Israel to that principle which emanates from on High.

Take the advice and counsel of your parents, whose object is to counsel you in righteousness.

Thy spirit shall agree to the counsels of the servants of the Lord readily and easily, for it is natural for thee to comprehend and understand the word of the Lord. Thou shalt be steadfast and firm in counsel, yet humble, giving glory to the Lord.

I say unto thee, look around thee and listen to the teaching of thy parents and in riper years honor thy parents.

In your youth forget not the counsel of your bishop. Ignore not thy father and thy mother lest you forfeit your right to eternal life with the righteous of Israel.

Listen strictly to the still small voice.

Be obedient to thy parents and listen to their teachings and instructions.

Follow the advice of the Priesthood and the Lord's anointed and as you shall seek counsel and advice from those who preside over you as the spirit shall direct, they shall receive inspiration from Heaven in your behalf and shall point the way and as you follow such counsel and advice, divinely given troubles shall vanish as dew before the morning sun.

Listen unto the counsel of the servants of God and follow their instruction. They are placed on earth to lead, guide, and direct His Saints.

Honor and respect those who may be placed in authority over you, and listen to the counsel of your parents and their advice which they will give from time to time.

I say unto you, be of good cheer and hearken unto the words of your father and mother because they seek to guide you aright.

Through your study of the scriptures and listening to the testimonies of the Elders in the Church you have convinced yourself that this is the work of the Lord and the way to salvation.

Be a good student, a good listener.

Listen to the Prophet's words, for he is the mouthpiece of God unto the people of the earth in these days. He will never misguide the people of the Church. No matter what other words are spoken by those in or out of the Church, listen finally to the words of the Prophet and know the things he says are true and authentic.

The Lord loves you for your willingness to listen.

As thou shalt continue to heed and follow thy parents' teachings, counsel, and advice in righteousness, thou shalt avoid many of the pitfalls and dangers in life.

The Lord commands you to listen to His living servants, the prophet, the leaders of His church, your parents and all who shall preside over you and are sent to teach you. Listen and take counsel.

I bless you with hearing, both to things temporal and things spiritual, hearing the spoken word and that still small voice of the spirit.

Listen to your priesthood in all that you need to keep your life straight and direct your activities so you can return to the presence of the Lord.

Listen carefully to the teachings and the instructions form the living prophets for their teachings are as important unto you as the written scriptures.

Listen to the voice of the spirit as you are blessed and counselled at this time for your life.

Listen to the prophets of the Lord. Listen carefully to those who preside in the wards and stakes.

Your ears shall be opened, and you shall hear the voices of many of those for whom you are being of service.

Listen to the prophets.

I bless you to have a listening ear to your church leaders and others as you are taught righteous works.

Honor your parents. Follow their council and seek their direction and your life will be eternally blessed.

You will have the desire to follow the counsel of those in authority over you.

You need to observe carefully the functioning of the Church and listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit every day of your life.

Follow the counsel and advice of your parents.

You will listen carefully to the words of the modern-day prophet, his counselors, and the Quorum of the Twelve.

You will have listening ears, and as you hear, you will respond.

You will be given opportunities to learn through your Bishop and those in authority in the Church. Be mindful of our great Prophet and his counselors and the general authorities and their words of counsel.

I bless you that you will learn to listen to the teachings of the prophets and that you will be strong in being able to follow their direction.

Listen to the voices of the prophets that you may learn all you can about their works and their instructions to you.

Listen carefully to the counsel of your leaders and teachers, that you may grow in wisdom and stature. Be prepared to be instructed always, that you come know more perfectly the doctrines principles and lens of the Gospel, and all things that pertain to the Kingdom of God.

Listen for the communication of spirit to spirit as you live your life.

You have the talent to be an exceptionally good listener.

I bless you, in you Priesthood duties, with the gift of listening that you might understand the unspoken message of the spirit of those whom you serve.

You have listened to and learned from the words your parents have spoken.

Prepare yourself to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

As you heed the directions given to you by your priesthood leadership and those who direct your service you will be blessed.

Listen to your parents and Church leaders and stand ready to serve other men and women.

You can avoid many of the pitfalls of this life if you will heed the counsel of your parents.

You will listen to the words of the modern-day prophet, his counselors, and the Quorum of the Twelve, and you will know that their message is the Lord's words for your time. You shall listen well

Listen to and follow the counsel of your parents and you will be guided to learn and to grow and bring to pass an important and special work here upon this earth.

I promise you, young lady, that if you will live the commandments of the lord, study the scriptures and apply them to yourself, listen to the counsel of your constituted leaders and your parents that your life will run much more smoothly with wisdom and skill.

As you are attentive to the counsel that the Lord will give you through leaders He has called, and especially His prophets and apostles, you will be blessed in that your mind will be enlightened, your spirit strengthened and your love of your Savior will also grow and strengthen.

I counsel you to watch your parents' example closely. Listen to their teachings.

As you listen to the counsel that will come from both the living prophets and your parents you will know the specifics of what you must do to overcome the world.

Listen to and follow your mother's advice.

You will be inspired to accomplish many great things from the words spoken by latter day prophets.

I bless you to enjoy silence. You will be able to meditate. You will also know that you learn when you are quiet and listening.

Listen closely to what the prophet has to say and live by his teachings.

Blessing #94
You have been born of goodly parents and you should listen to their counsel and advice. They will have special advice and counsel for you, and as you listen to this advice you will be able to avoid many of the problems that you see here upon the earth.