Patriarchal Blessing Revelator


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42% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Leadership.

Thou shalt be a Prince, a King and a Priest unto the Most High, and shall reign over those whom thou hast power to redeem when the Savior shall come to reign on the earth.

You shall be a wise counselor and a mighty leader among your brethren in the House of Israel.

Thou shall be blessed to be elected to direct and preside over thousands of sisters.

You shall stand as a representative and a leader in your father's household.

Thou shalt be a leader and instructor.

Thou shalt be a prince and a ruler in Israel and shall be filled with great wisdom and be guided by the Holy Spirit in all these administrations.

It shall be thy duty to defend the innocent and to pronounce sentence upon the guilty.

Your spirit is a presiding spirit; for you will become a mighty counselor in Zion.

You shall lead the children of Ephraim to their rest in that goodly land. You shall be a seer unto those you preside over and they shall look unto thee for counsel and wisdom.

Thou shalt live to impart instructions to thy brethren for many years for thou shalt sit in council with thy leaders in Israel.

Thou shalt sit in council and preside among the daughters of Zion.

I bless you that you may take your place in society, even in the sphere in which you move, yea, that you shall be a leading character, that you shall preside in honor, and with dignity, in the organizations of your sex.

You shall be a leader among your sex and especially, dear sister, among the youth of the House of Israel.

Thou shalt yet become one of the leaders in the midst of thy sex.

Thou shalt become a leader among women, a teacher among the young, and an example for those around you.

Your example will be such that you will become a leader in Israel if you will but be a good follower.

The Lord is raising up a nation of leaders of men and it is your right and privilege through obedience to be a leader.

The spirit of leadership shall be given your descendants and they shall stand in exalted places not only in the church of the first-born but in the legislative halls of this great country and through their influence laws shall be enacted that shall hasten the day when righteousness shall prevail that the son of God may come in His glory and power.

Thou was among that number which the Lord designated as those whom he would make and recognize as his leaders. Thou shalt be called unto many responsible positions of trust and honor, both within the Church and without. Thou shalt sit in council with those who have been chosen to direct the various lines of activity governing the Church of Christ and its members.

You are to become a leader in Israel and many will look to you for guidance and for comfort and help.

You have been fore-ordained to take a leading place among God's children. It shall be your privilege to associate and enjoy the company of the leaders in Zion. You shall also mingle with men and women of high rank and position in this nation, so be prepared to meet the situations as they shall come into your life.

You have a calling to work with the children of Zion as a leader and teacher of the young that may be placed under your care.

You will be a great leader in the wards and stakes of Zion where you will reside.

If you will continue to serve the Lord in humility your influence will grow and you will develop the great gift of leadership and become a power for good both in the church and out. You together with your sisters will be called to presiding positions and the Lords work will grow and prosper under your leadership.

The Lord will make of you a leader and a teacher in Zion. He will help you to go forth and hold high and responsible positions in His church.

You will enjoy your work in the different organizations in the Church and will become a leader among your associates, and they will seek you for counsel and advice.

You will be called to be in leadership positions, especially among the young people of the church.

You are of the House of Israel, and this is a wonderful blessing... For it gives unto you certain rights and blessings and promises, blessings of leadership.

You have been blessed with great abilities, abilities of associations with people, abilities of administration.

You will have opportunity to teach and preside.

You will be a leader among your brethren in the church.

Your counsel will be sought and you shall be classed as a leader of men.

The resolution of problems that you will be faced with will come to you as you are called to leadership capacities. You will sit in councils of the church and be able to concern yourself with the lives and affairs of others who are associated with you.

I bless you and send you forth in the love of your Father in Heaven to assume positions of leadership, especially among the women of His Church, that you will be known as an honored mother in Zion.

You will be able to sit in positions of judgment.

You will be called to leadership.

This heritage brings responsibilities to you of being a leader of children, youth and older sisters

You shall also serve in capacities of leadership and endear unto you those you will serve.

You will teach leadership. You will sit with leaders.

You will have callings of a presiding nature which will require of you wisdom in your labors to guide, train and direct the lives mainly of young people.

You are of Ephraim and he was a leader of many. He became known as the First Born of Israel and the Birthright Son, not that he always did what he should have done but he was a great leader. You are of his seed and so have that potential of leadership. It is up to you to become a leader and make full use of this within the Church and also outside of the Church.

You will have the opportunity to sit in counsel with the brethren and provide leadership to many of the saints throughout the world.

You will have the opportunity and the privilege to give leadership and council in a manner which is pleasing unto your Heavenly Father.

It shall be your privilege to be in the midst of the leadership of the kingdom of God, and to carry great responsibilities, and to receive rich blessings in connection therewith.

You will be a leader among others.

You are a leader.

I promise you the gift of faith, for it will be by faith in God that you will be able to lead those who depend upon you for leadership.

Both young and adult women will look to you for leadership and guidance. Do not fear nor be timid.

With the priesthood, you will be able to conduct and preside in the Lord's Kingdom, in quorums, wards and stakes of Zion.

You are a member of the chosen tribe of Ephraim with the great responsibility of Leadership in establishing the Kingdom of God upon the Earth.

I bless you with great leadership abilities for there will be much for you to do in the Lord and Savior's church. You will be a great leader among mankind.

You will have the opportunity to be a leader and to be an example of that which Our Father in Heaven would all of His children be.

I bless you that you will hold many positions within the church, positions of leadership. Don't be afraid to accept responsibility.

I bless you with a gift of administration, whereby, as you hold positions of leadership, you will be blessed with the understanding and knowledge that will be required as you hold these positions of leadership.

As a member of your family you demonstrated leadership and great qualities even there prior to coming to this earth.

You will be a leader in the auxiliaries of the church.

You will have opportunities to lead your fellowmen here upon this earth. I bless you that you will be prepared to do so.

You shall have the gift of leadership.

You will preside in wards and stakes.

As you study the gospel you will build a background of faith and knowledge that will assist you in positions of teaching and leadership.

You will be called to be a leader or a teacher.

The mantle of the leadership will fall upon your shoulders; and you will preside in righteousness.

You will be called to be a leader in Zion. I bless you with the gift of administration, the gift to organize, and the gift to work kindly and understandingly with others, for you have that ability and desire.

You will be a leader among your own people. You will have opportunity to be a Bishop

Seek to guide others in righteous principles and they will gather to you in leadership and look forward to the example of your leadership and influence in their lives.

It will be your privilege to be called to be a servant of God here upon the earth, to teach and to lead and to preside in the kingdom of God. I bless you that when you are called to preside and to serve in leadership positions in the Church, that you will have the courage and the wisdom to perform that which your Father in Heaven would have you do.

I bless you that ways will be opened up that you will be given many opportunities to be useful in the kingdom, to be a leader and to be energetic in the service of the Lord. You will be called upon to serve in the quorums and to be a leader in the wards and stakes in your life.

If you live worthily you will enjoy the ability to be a leader in bringing peace and happiness among nations in the world.

You will serve in capacities that have responsibilities of leadership.

Be humble in your authority as a Priesthood leader. You will have the opportunity to lead the saints in spiritual growth.

You will be called to serve in positions of leadership in the church.

You shall have ample opportunities of serving in positions of leadership in the auxiliaries of the Church, whereby you may teach and led the children of Zion.

The Lord has a noble work for you to do, He needs you. He needs you to bless, to counsel, and to lead.

Your Heavenly Father sent you here in this final dispensation of the fullness of times to teach and lead His children in truth and light.

You will be called to fulfill important assignments and will feel the mantle of leadership and authority as you help spread the Gospel and help new-comers feel welcome. You have a skill in dealing with and talking to people, you can use these to great effect all your days.

As you are called to leadership positions in the Church, you will use your priesthood to officiate, counsel, and be supportive of those in your care.

You will be a leader in Zion and a teacher of truth and righteousness.

You will serve in callings of leadership positions in the church.

Much growth will take place in preparation for the leadership callings and responsibilities that you will be given throughout your life.

You will be called upon to lead in the Kingdom. I bless you with the gift of administration, that you might understand the workings of the Church and the organization of the priesthood.

You will become a great teacher and a leader in the church, in your home, and in the communities where you reside.

You will have important leadership callings.

You will have opportunities to serve in many leadership capacities in the church, for you have been foreordained to be a leader.

You were foreordained to sit in councils of leadership, and the days will come where you will be given these opportunities. You will serve in leading councils in the Church.

You are a natural born leader. You have every quality, spiritual gift and talent to become a great leader in the Church, the Kingdom of God, and in the world.

I bless you with accomplishment in your life and with leadership ability. You will be called to positions of leadership in the Kingdom.

You have deep skills of leadership both within the church and upon this earth.

You will have many important callings in the church which will require you to teach in very spiritual ways, and to lead others in very spiritual ways.

I bless you that you may grow to love the leaders the Lord will choose to work with you, and help you, and lead you. I bless you that you may have the ability to find and to be attentive to those who will be best able to lead and guide you until you yourself are also able to bless the lives of you Father in Heaven's children in leading and guiding them into paths of righteousness.

You will have the great responsibility to serve in leadership responsibilities in the Church, of which you will have many.

You have the gift of leadership. You will serve in leadership capacities serving our Father in Heaven with diligence.

You will have opportunities to serve in positions of leadership.

As a leader within this church, as you serve in Relief Society presidencies and other presidencies, you will have the right to bear the power that goes along with the priesthood as you serve under its direction.

Be sure that you live your life in a manner exemplary to others, that you might be found worthy to direct them.

You will have the opportunity to serve the Lord in leadership capacities within the Young Women's organization..

You will hold responsible positions in the church in those areas of the world where you live. You will be called to lead quorums, to teach, and to direct, and to guide.

Accept all callings, especially leadership callings, with grace, humility, and gratitude, and the Lord will bless you greatly.

Blessing #6
The blessing awaits you of being a leader in Zion that many priesthood brethren will see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.

Blessing #94
As you serve your Father in Heaven, you will be called upon to lead and you should lead through example and through following the promptings from your Father in Heaven.

Blessing #21
I promise you that you will be a leader in Zion.

Blessing #23
You will be a leader amongst your peers. You will be admired by many for the work that you do.

Blessing #24
You will become a leader among the Lord's people. You will become a leader within your community.

Blessing #74
you will be asked to fulfill callings of responsibility, sometimes as a follower and support person, and other times as the leader and the one who needs to make the final decision.

Blessing #123
When called upon you will become a teacher and a leader.

Blessing #273
You will have the opportunity to oversee and to respond to those questions that come to you. Be patient with those people that you do not understand the reason for their actions. Help them to overcome anything that opposes the teachings of the Church. Be involved in Church matters and be able to supervise, lead, instruct and teach those people that you come in contact with.