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50% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Joy.

Thou wilt baptize and bring to Zion with exceeding joy and songs of gladness.

Thou shalt have seals to thy ministry and return unto Zion with songs of joy.

Thou shalt return to Zion with songs of everlasting joy.

Thou shalt be made to rejoice with the holy one in Israel.

Thy life shall be with pleasantness and with much joy and satisfaction to thyself and to those of thine associates in thy family circle.

In the morning of the resurrection will thy joy be full.

You shall rejoice with the people of God, whose society you shall have joy when all things shall be made new, and shall inherit the earth.

Thou shalt have an inheritance in peace with thy family and great shall be thy joy.

Thou shalt rejoice with many of thy kindred.

Thou shalt be blessed in thy labor and have joy therein.

Thou shalt see the coming of the Messiah and have joy and rejoicing.

Thy spirit shall rejoice.

In the end thou shalt be perfected with Father and Mother, brothers and sisters, who will salute thee with much joy.

Thou shalt have joy and rejoicing in thy labours and thy last days shalt be thy best days.

Let thy heart be filled with joy and gratitude to thy Heavenly Father for his mercies and blessings unto thee.

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Your joy shall be increased as your days and your years increase.

A work shall you yet do for the benefit of your dead. In it shall you rejoice, and many shall rejoice in your labors and be comforted.

Your joy shall be full.

If you will take care of yourself and devote the remainder of your life more diligently in your duties in the kingdom of God, your heart will be filled with glory, with joy. You shall pass away in joy and great pleasure.

Thy heart shall rejoice because thou are so called of God and appointed to lay an eternal foundation for thousands to build upon.

You shall have joy in tribulations.

Thou shalt labor in the Temples of the Lord for the living and the dead and shalt have great joy in these good works pertaining to those who have been called away in the days that are past.

The Lord your Redeemer will give you power to triumph over all the powers of Satan, and you shall come off conqueror, and rejoice with exceeding great joy.

Thou shalt have joy and satisfaction in thy labors.

Let your heart rejoice, and your soul take delight in contemplating the glories of the future.

Thou shall be called to preach the gospel to the unbelieving world, and shall have joy in all these missionary labors.

Thou shalt be fully satisfied with thy life's labors and have joy in the Redeemer's Kingdom.

In the due time of the Lord thou shalt be blessed with a companion who will be suited to thy needs and thou shalt have joy and satisfaction in associating with her. I say unto you dear brother, lift up thy heart and rejoice.

Your soul shall be filled with joy, thanksgiving and praise.

I bless thee that the Lord may give unto thee means and every ability to perform this glorious labor, for I promise thee it will give thee greater joy than anything thou hast realized in thy past life, that thou may have power to gather up genealogies

Thou shalt have a fulness of joy for the blessings of the heavens and the bounties of the earth and the fulness thereof are thine.

Thy mind has become full of comfort and joy.

You shall have joy in your labors.

Thine offspring will not stray in the works of the Lord, but will follow thy footsteps. This consolation will bring joy and peace to thy soul, and will strengthen and encourage thee in thine hours of trial.

Rejoice therefore and be exceeding glad and no power shall prevent you from entering into your exaltation.

Joy and gladness shall accompany thee.

You have taken joy in your labors and your joy will be much greater when you meet your good works on the other side of the Veil.

You shall teach thy children and grandchildren the ways of truth and righteousness and you shall have joy in seeing them grow up to be honorable instruments in the hands of God.

Thou shalt be a successful husbandman, blessed with the fruit of the Earth from beneath, the knowledge of God from above to the joy of your soul. Remember the Lord in your youth and joy shall be with you

You shall have joy.

I say unto you lift up your head and rejoice for the Lord has called you to a great work.

Your posterity shall be numerous and give to you a fullness of joy.

You will be a blessed man, and your heart will swell with joy and gratitude toward your Heavenly Father.

And your heart shall be made to rejoice exceedingly for it shall be your privilege to send your sons and your daughters to proclaim the glad tidings of great joy among the children of men.

Lay aside worry and distress, put aside gloom and sadness and when united with your husband do the things that will minister to your joy. As you purify your blood, get a brighter outlook upon life, cheer and gladness may take the place of gloom and despondency.

Rejoice and be exceedingly glad for thus whispereth the still small voice.

Your life shall be filled with the joy because of works of righteousness to be performed in our father's kingdom. Father, wilt thou be mindful of this, thy hand maid that she may have joy and satisfaction upon the earth.

Thy bosom shall burn within thee, and thou shalt have joy in the midst of Israel.

The memories of the past that have been unpleasant shall be removed and your soul shall be lifted from despondency and worry to joy and happiness.

Through your faithfulness you shall enter into the Celestial Kingdom of our Father and your joy and your happiness will be greater than your mind can comprehend at present. Your joy shall be full and your life and service accepted of our Heavenly Father.

I pray God our Eternal Father that you may be comforted and have joy and happiness in your home and in your life.

Thou shall have joy in thy posterity.

I bless you with happiness, joy, and contentment.

You will have joy and rejoicing.

You can receive inspiration as to what is the best course for you to pursue, that your health might be restored, and that life might bring unto you the full joy of your being.

Through your willingness to serve you will have joy and satisfaction with your labors.

You shall find much joy and happiness with your family and your associates.

You have been faithful in the past, and if you are faithful in the future in your duties in the church, as a counselor to your husband and as a mother to your children, your days here upon this earth shall be filled with joy and happiness.

You shouted with joy when Jesus Christ said let me go down upon the earth and I will suffer death for the salvation of the human race and I will give you the Honor and the Glory.

Your cup of joy shall be made full through your descendants who shall become numerous.

The joy that will come unto your heart as you continue your journey of life shall be beyond expression. Reflect upon these things and your heart shall be filled with joy and satisfaction.

You shall have joy in bearing children and this shall bring you to exaltation.

Our Heavenly Father is sending to you a choice spirit that will be a joy and comfort to you all of your life.

You will have great joy in the good that you will do in the Church and Kingdom of our Heavenly Father and also in your Priesthood.

The Lord will give you great joy and comfort as you watch your family of little ones grow up into noble manhood and womanhood. Great will be your joy and great will be your eternal reward.

You shall have joy in your posterity.

In due time it shall be your privilege to enter the House of the Lord and to partake of the joys and benefits of the Holy Endowment and to become more fully acquainted with some of the great privileges which are yours in righteousness.

You will find joy and happiness in your children.

Those children who shall come to your home will bring you much joy and happiness.

You will rejoice in your work and in the salvation of our Father's children.

Through thy righteous endeavors there will be manifest in thy life blessings that will bring comfort and joy and happiness and understanding.

You will earn the greatest crown which the Lord has for His children, which is the crown of motherhood; and the diadems in your crown will represent your children and they will constitute your kingdom, your joy and your glory.

You will have joy in helping to carry forth the work of salvation.

Joy will flow unto you in rich abundance.

I say unto you that you shall live upon the earth as long as life is sweet and desirable unto you and the angel of death shall come as a friend and with joy and gladness shall you go out to meet him.

Go forward each day with full trust in our Father in Heaven and He will give thee joy and reveal unto thee, from time to time, those things which will be of most worth unto you, that your life may be full and complete.

Set your heart upon these exalted matters, study them and find out the beauty and simplicity of the order in which mankind may receive a fullness of joy.

The sincerity of your heart shall be felt among your loved ones, and you shall receive greater joy and happiness in your home.

Your efforts will be crowned with joy and satisfaction.

By obedience to His commandments you shall enjoy every blessing which is in store, for there has been placed upon the earth all good things which are needful for man's welfare and you have the right to call upon them in enlightening your mind, increasing your understanding and to be successful in your chosen career, and find joy and happiness in life. For it was ordained that you should enjoy your earth experience.

Thou shalt be given special experiences which shall assist thee to withstand the trials of life with joy and rejoicing in thy heart.

I bless you that you might find joy in this life.

During these trying times, there will be sorrow, but even with tears in your eyes, there can be joy in your heart when you know that you are doing that which the Lord has commanded.

Great shall be your joy in your labors.

I bless you, *****, that your life will be a life of joy and service, one which will touch many hearts.

Great joy and happiness will come unto you.

You are entitled and will receive great peace and happiness and joy in this life and the next because of your service in building up the Lord's Kingdom.

The Lord desires that this life shall be joyous and beautiful, one of achievement and accomplishment for you.

Go forth and be of good cheer. Honor your priesthood and magnify you callings and you shall find joy in the work of the Lord.

You will have many opportunities and occasions to be thankful for and you will enjoy the sweet things of life, the comforts and blessings and joy and happiness that you seek.

These things will contribute to your eternal life and will bring you joy and happiness, a happiness that you will be able to share with our family and with others. You will be able to add to their joy and happiness.

I bless you with joy and happiness in your labors.

You will have much joy and happiness in the work which Heavenly Father has ordained for you to accomplish in this life.

Your joy will be unspeakable as you stand in the midst of your family and partake of a celestial type life, which has been ordained unto you and your family through righteous living.

Great will be the joy which you will receive in your heart and soul.

It shall be thy privilege to be sealed to a choice companion for time and eternity which shall be a source of eternal blessings of happiness and joy.

You will be blessed with children that will bring you much joy and happiness.

You will find great joy in your life.

Blessings of joy and contentment will come to you as you raise a family.

I bless you that you will have joy and happiness throughout your life.

You will have joy and happiness as you gather your family around you in a family circle.

The joys of heaven will be present.

You are choice in His sight and great shall be your joy and happiness because of your faithfulness.

You will experience joy and happiness as you serve.

Your mission will bring much joy and happiness to you.

Joy and happiness will be yours.

As you acknowledge the sacrifices your mother and father have made in your behalf, you will feel joy and experience peace and contentment.

Joy and happiness will abound in your life.

You will receive great joy in serving the Lord.

Be gracious and kind exercising all the virtues of womanhood. As you do so, you will have joy in this life.

You will be a source of joy and happiness to your parents, your brothers and your sisters.

You will receive the joy and happiness that comes through obedience to the Gospel.

Go now in the spirit of achievement and of joy.

Your children will know the joys of living in a happy home.

You will have much joy in seeing the work of the Lord going forth throughout the world.

You will find joy and happiness in service in the House of the Lord.

You have much to look forward to and days of joy and satisfaction await you. Your life will prove to be a choice experience and a source of satisfaction and joy to you.

You will be able to make the decisions that will bring you happiness and joy.

Your life will be blessed in such a way that you will gain joy from your posterity.

I bless you that you will know eternal joy and have a great love of life, living it to its fullest.

When our Heavenly Father explained the plan of happiness you too shouted for joy, and you were anxious to come to earth.

You will receive great joy and peace and happiness as you commit your life

You will find great joy. Show love to those around you and let them know how important the Church is to you. Be joyous that you have found the true Church.

You will find joy and growth through your service.

Remember that we are here to have joy.

Your Father in Heaven knew that you would be strong enough to overcome all temptations and do the things He had in mind for you to do. Great will be your joy as you realize what they are and accomplish this great work.

With such power given to you, I bless you with mastery of self that you may have an abundant life full of joy.

Control your appetites and the fulness of joy will be given to you.

Enter into the joy of the Lord.

Your father in Heaven has given you Gifts of His Spirit that your life might be enriched and that you might have joy in your heart.

I bless you that your home will be a place of joy, reverence, and a refuge from the pride and tempation of the world.

Your wife will bring great joy and happiness into your life.

You shall find great joy and happiness in the callings which the Lord shall bestow upon you.

Family is your most sacred responsibility and will, through your faithfulness become the joy of your life.

You will have great joy as you see your children being obedient to their Heavenly Father and see His blessings poured out upon their heads.

Your life will be one of joy.

I promise great personal joy and satisfaction.

You will find great joy in bringing forth a choice and blessed posterity.

You will find happiness and joy when you serve the elderly and prepare meals for them and help them.

Keep the Spirit close to you and you will feel the sheer joy of family.

Great shall be your joy and blessings because of the wise decisions that you have made in your life.

You will have a joyful, happy, and pleasant life as you serve the Lord valiantly.

Great will be your joy; for through your caring faithfulness, you will be favored to enrich the lives of others.

You will experience great joy and happiness as you serve the children of our Father in Heaven, your brothers and sisters.

Heavenly Father wants you to live a life of joy and happiness and he has given you the restored gospel to achieve that goal of happiness.

You and your family will find great happiness and joy.

Your happiness, joy and success in life will largely depend upon who you marry.

You will find joy in your service to others.

You will experience much joy and fulfillment and gratitude in your life.

You will be able to enjoy yourself more in this life. You will be a joy to those around you.

When the time comes that your Heavenly Father requires you to return again into His presence, you will reunite with your family in love. They will rejoice at your coming because they also will know that you have done what your Father in Heaven has required of you and have returned to them in happiness, in joy, and in glory.

Your family will be the greatest joy that you will have.

You will have peace and joy and blessing. I bless you with confidence, with happiness, with optimism that you might truly have the joy that is intended for the righteous in this state of mortal probation.

I bless you with the joy which comes from helping to save other peoples' souls.

Never forget who and what you are, and you will have joy in this life and eternal life in the world to come, even worlds without end.

Take every opportunity that is given you to serve the Lord and you will find that it will bring joy and happiness into your own life and that of your family.

You will be a source of joy in your family.

You will be given the gift of joy.

Your life has the promise of great joy, happiness, and heavenly protection.

You have a talent and an interest in being friendly and loving others. They will appreciate and return that love. This will be a source of joy for you and for those you serve.

Blessing #33
I bless you that a fullness of joy shall come from these things, for your eternal companionship shall be glorious and eternal, your family shall be close together and full of love for one another and a joy to you forever.

Blessing #24
You will experience much joy as you serve faithfully and seek to cultivate the special gifts with which you have been blessed.

Blessing #123
I bless you to find great joy in being associated with those placed over you in the way of the Lord.

Blessing #273
Listen to that still small voice. It will not come with a shout or thunder but with love, peace, joy and happiness that you might find contentment in your life.