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30% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Influence.

For thou shalt have power and influence over every wicked spirit.

Thy influence with the Lamanites shall increase until thy word shall be unto them as the word of God.

The Heavens shall be opened unto you, and you shall experience, in part, the glory and influence that shall surround you when you are crowned with the glory and blessing and honor and power and eternal lives in the celestial Kingdom of God your Eternal Father.

Thou shalt be blest with an honorable posterity, and thy precepts and examples shall exert upon them a saving influence.

Inasmuch as thy great progenitor was called upon to administer unto the Great High Priest so that great influence which he enjoyed to administer unto the Holy of the Holies and wait upon Eli the great High Priest and became great and mighty in the things of God, that has descended unto thee for his blood permeates in thy veins.

Thou shall have influence with thy companions and associates.

Thy mind shall be exercised in behalf of thy posterity notwithstanding thou mayest be called to enter a higher sphere of action in the due time of the Lord. Thou shalt exercise in that sphere a greater influence and power than thou canst tabernacled as thou art now, for the spirit cannot expand when it is trammeled with flesh and blood.

Thy influence among the people shall cause many to turn from their wayward ways and serve the Lord more perfectly.

Thy voice shall always be heard, and thine influence felt in defense of truth and the furtherance of God's work upon earth.

Thou shalt have influence and power to do much good.

You will have influence not only with your family, but amongst your associates, your sisters, and those whom you shall labor among.

Rich blessings will come to you bringing increased joy and gladness, power and influence for good, opportunities to bless and aid others.

We can use our influence to increase faith and love and confidence in the hearts of His people, and to this end, dear sister, the Lord will bless you and accept of your labors.

The Lord will bless you with power and influence among your fellowmen in advancing the purposes of our Heavenly Father.

The influence of their grandparents who were so faithful and energetic in this church shall be felt by your children and children's children and when you are worried and concerned about them the sweet influence of those near and dear unto you who have gone on before shall hover about your children, your sons and daughters.

I seal upon you the power and ability to become a great teacher, that you may have influence among those with whom you labor and that you may lead them in the path that they should go.

You will wield a strong influence for good, and will perform a great work.

Your influence shall be for good and others shall watch your actions because they know that you are one who serves the Lord and they will desire to do what you do. If you will continue to serve the Lord in humility your influence will grow and you will develop the great gift of leadership and become a power for good both in the church and out.

Your influence will be felt for good wheresoever you may sojourn.

Your influence will be such that you shall bring peace and comfort wherever you shall go.

Your influence should be shed for good upon many people.

Thou shalt be an influence and power for good unto others, especially among the younger generation and among those of thy sex for they shall rejoice in thy presence and thy teachings.

If thou shalt prepare thyself to work diligently, thou shalt be an influence for good in the lives of others.

You shall have the ability to reach into the hearts and minds of those with whom you associate and to be an influence for good in their lives. You shall also be an influence for good in the lives of those of your family. Remember that this is your responsibility, to show them the proper way of living.

I ask you to study and learn all you can about the other things which affect your vocation, that you might have greater influence among your associates and be better prepared to influence others, and thus aid in assisting to build up the Kingdom of God here in the latter days.

Remember those whom you associate with should be of a religious nature, and if they are not members of the Church you should try to influence them to the sacred truths of the Gospel.

You will have opportunities to serve in the organizations of the church, to be an influence for good, to work with the youth of the church.

The example which you set will be of great influence in the lives of many people in your family. Through the spirit of love which you radiate you will be able to perform a wonderful work in their lives.

Be an influence for good among your associates.

You will be able through the way that you life to impress others, so that they will have a desire to have the joy and the knowledge that you have. Whether you might know it or not, many will be influenced to eventually seek the truth.

You shall be honored and esteemed of men for the gospels sake and your influence will be felt in many places.

You shall be a great influence over those with whom you come in contact.

The power of your testimony will influence many to change their lives so that they will live in harmony with the principles of the gospel and the plan of salvation.

Many friends and associates shall bless thee for thine influence and power for good among them. Thou shalt especially be an influence and power for good among those of thy sex and especially the younger generation. As thou shalt grow in years and experience, thine influence and power for good among them shall continually be increased.

Others shall bless thee for the influence and power for good thou shalt be unto them.

Seek friends who will help you live the gospel. In turn you will have a positive influence upon their lives. Together you will be a strength and can move forward to touch the lives of many. There are those who are watching you and will desire to pattern their lives after the things they see in yours.

As you counsel and guide young people you will be of great influence and direction in their lives.

You will be a stabilizing influence in the lives of your companions.

Do not underestimate the extent of the potential power of your example and your uncompromising position on matters of truth and righteousness. No one can say where your influence will end.

I bless you with the attributes you must possess that you can serve others to influence them for good.

Your name will be had in honorable remembrance from generation to generation because of the righteousness of your life, the example that you will set for others, the influence for good that you will be upon many souls.

As you teach by the Spirit and follow the counsel of those who have a right to guided and direct you, you will be a great influence for good and be able to set a proper example to those around you.

It is very necessary to select who your close friends are that may be able to help each other to keep the covenant and commandments of the Lord that you may be an influence for good not only as a missionary but through your life in your different activities, your work and various social activities and so on.

You will be able to build up the kingdom through your influence in the places you will work and among those who are learned in the world. They will recognize in you spiritual qualities that you have.

You will be a great leader among mankind and you will have great influence upon those with whom you labor, and many will feel of this influence for generations.

You must conduct your life in such a way that the light that comes forth from you may reach into the hearts and minds of those around you. Many will be influenced by it.

As you radiate the Gospel teachings you will be an influence for good in the lives of people.

I feel you will have a great influence on many souls as you go through life.

You will be effective in influencing the lives of many people for good. I bless you with the ability to write and to influence others through the written word. You will be a mighty influence in the lives of many people in helping them to understand the truthfulness of the gospel.

You will have a long happy, healthful life being able to influence many people as your paths cross. You will be called to preside over organizations, teach lessons and influence many people. Do it with a conviction of Jesus Christ and of the great testimony you have of him.

You shall influence many in the way of truth.

I bless you that you will have a positive influence upon your peers, that you will never compromise your principles or standards or beliefs for the sake of popularity or gain or worldly pleasure.

Never be afraid to share the thoughts and feelings that you have within your heart, so that at the appropriate times you may be able to have an influence upon others and allow them to come to the same knowledge and understanding that you have.

I bless you particularly that you will have a great influence on those who might have wandered, tripped, and fallen. You will be able to put your arm around them and love them back into the church.

Remember to serve your fellowmen in the community in which you reside. By reaching out to them and being involved, you can influence them for good and righteousness.

Many will call you blessed because of your steadying influence and your testimony of God and His work.

Teach your children to know and to love their Heavenly Father and the Savior. By your loving example and influence, they will qualify to be part of your eternal family and will bring joy and rejoicing throughout eternity.

The Lord will help you to be an influence in the lives of others. People will be attracted to you because of your personality, because of your truthfulness, because of the standards that you maintain. You must remember that in that sense you are marked as a Latter-day Saint. People will expect more of you because you are a Latter-day Saint.

You will have a great influence on many members of Christ's Church here upon the earth. Many will stay closer to him because of you and the influence you have had on them.

Sacrifice the time and put forth the effort necessary to excel, and I promise that your power to lighten and brighten the lives of others will be greatly enhanced. Others will look to you and willingly follow because of your positive influence.

Trust the Spirit in all your doings, and you will be able to influence your family and friends positively.

Your profession will allow you to be able to travel and to be a positive influence wherever you go.

The young people will be especially precious to you. Enjoy sharing with them. You will have opportunities to influence them and help them to become assets in the gospel.

I bless you today that if you will be patient and understanding, if you set a good example, that you will be an influence of good in the life of your mother and your father.

You will influence many for good and your life will be rich.

I bless you to be a good father to all the children that Heavenly Father blesses you with. I bless you to be a stable influence in their lives and a good example to them.

Be quick to let others know what your feelings are. Approach them in a loving manner. There will be those who are influenced by you, who will see the happiness in your life and want that same happiness for themselves. You can direct them to the source of all happiness, which is our God.

You have been blessed with the ability to communicate with and influence people for good. Seek to do good. Seek to be a good influence.

You will have a positive influence upon your family.

You will worry less about your presentation and more about the people who are recipients of your influence.

Remember that there are those who are now preparing to receive the message of the gospel. As you serve your mission and seek out those individuals, you will be able to have a good influence upon them as you teach them the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Blessing #20
God would have you be a powerful influence in the world and in the Church. Be happy, successful, and accomplish great things.

Blessing #21
Through your works, you will be able to influence many for good. Your light will illuminate not only your path but theirs as well. That light will provide others with a glimpse of eternal truths.

Blessing #24
You will be a righteous influence among your fellow missionaries. Your example will influence others for good.

Blessing #25
You will have opportunities to teach and to influence for good those around you, in the classroom, in your life generally, for you will have opportunities to associate with many who are not members of the Church, but through your living, the way that you live will give them the desire to know what you have that they don't have, and this will give them an opportunity to ask for the missionaries and be taught the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Blessing #74
You will have a desire to share those things that are close to your heart with others, and you can be an influence for good in their lives.