Patriarchal Blessing Revelator


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34% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Friends.

It is thy privilege to be a savior on Mount Zion to save thyself and thy family, thy dead and living friends.

It is thy privilege to save thy fathers house with the help of thy companion and friends.

Thou shalt have power to bring thy parents and friends into the kingdom and to bring up all thy dead friends in the first resurrection.

Even captains of ships shall say unto thee, Thou are a man of God. He shall hand to thee a piece of money, a very peculiar piece, and you shall say, He is a friend to me in very deed.

Thou hast left thy nature Land kindred and friends for the gospel's sake for which thou shalt receive thy reward.

I seal thee up to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection with many of thy kindred and friends.

You have been willing to forsake friends and country for the sake of the Gospel of the Son of God.

I seal thee up unto eternal life with power to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection with many of thy kindred and friends.

Those who have sought to do thee harm will someday become thy warm friends.

Thou wilt be able to minister to thy friends according to thy heart's desire.

You shall be a particular friend to your sex, even the honorable women in whose company your lot may be cast.

Thou shalt be a savior unto many of thy friends and relatives that have died without a knowledge of the truth.

Thou art in the house of thy friend.

You will rejoice with those of your posterity and friends who are caught up to meet you.

I seal thee up unto Eternal Life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection with many of thy kindred and friends.

Thou shalt find many friends to assist thee in thy labors. Thou shall not lack friends nor the necessities of life.

Seek and enjoy the society of the good and noble, virtue and pure, of both sexes.

Friends shall be raised up unto thee.

Thy power to do good to be a blessing unto your companion and unto your family and friends and kindred is only limited by thy desire.

Your associations shall be with Joseph Smith, and with the Holy men and women and your husband.

I seal these blessings upon you, with blessing of eternal life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection with thy husband, friends, and children.

God will grant thee a lengthy life to assist thy worthy husband, family, friends and kindred.

Bless this young man with health, strength and many many friends.

I bless you that you may be enabled to retain the things that you learn and bring them forth for your own benefit and blessing and for the blessing of those of your associates and friends.

If you will follow the promptings of the spirit, you shall have friends and be a peacemaker at home and among your associates.

Seek good companions.

The people you meet at your labors shall have a profound influence in your life. They will aid you in times of indecision and at times save you from yourself. They will be your best friends and will come to your aid in any emergency that might arise. You will likewise do the same for them.

Let your companions be those who have a testimony of the Gospel and it will help you, and will guard and protect you.

During your declining years your Heavenly Father will grant you peace of mind, joy, comfort and the friendship and association with those who are desirous of your well-being and protection.

Thou shalt have friends raised up unto thee who shall be a blessing unto thee both temporally as well as spiritually.

Remember those whom you associate with should be of a religious nature, and if they are not members of the Church you should try to influence them to the sacred truths of the Gospel. And if you do this, you will find that they will enter into the waters of baptism through your efforts, and thus you will be eternally blessed.

Be an influence for good among your associates. Be a missionary at heart and speak up with your friends and encourage them to study the gospel Pray to the Lord that He will guide you and inspire you that you may do this properly.

You will have an opportunity not only to make many friends, through the way that you live, friends will be brought to you and you will influence them and will have an opportunity to bring them to an understanding of why you have so much joy in your heart.

I bless you that you will always seek for friends and companions who have the same high ideals that you have, those who have set righteous goals for themselves. For in their companionship of those worthy individuals, the Spirit will be with you to guide and direct you.

You will be able to change the lives of many people who will cherish your love and friendship.

Many friends and associates shall bless thee for thine influence and power for good among them.

Thou shalt not lack for friends and associates, and they shall be a blessing unto thee, and thou shalt be a blessing unto them. And inasmuch as thou shalt always select for thy close associates those who are righteous and who have a desire to keep the commandments of the Lord, they shall be a special blessing unto thee and shall assist in opening the way before thee to enable thee to receive eternal blessings.

You will set a good example before your friends and associates. You will bear your testimony to many, especially to your non-member friends.

Do not go into places with friends where your Heavenly Father would not want you to. Choose your friends very carefully and select those who are upright and respect you for the fine person that you are and your purity and cleanliness.

Seek friends who will help you live the gospel. In turn you will have a positive influence upon their lives. Together you will be a strength and can move forward to touch the lives of many.

You will have the ability to choose righteous individuals to be your companions. Seek out righteous individuals who will help you in the decisions you must make.

You are admonished to be careful of your circle of friendships. Seek after those who uplift you and cause you to desire to improve your knowledge and appreciation of the good things in life.

I bless you for your mission that you will serve for Christ for two years, that you will be led to souls that you promised in the pre-existence you would take the gospel to. Seek them out, pray to recognize them; and all who come into the true Church through your efforts will be your friends forever in the eternity and look upon you as a kind of savior.

I bless you that you may be able to find good friends to associate with in addition to those who are already your friends because it is very necessary to select who your close friends are that may be able to help each other to keep the covenant and commandments of the Lord.

Choose friends who will make it easy to live the gospel and remain faithful as you live your life.

Young women in the church will come to you for comfort and friendship. I bless you with the power to communicate, and give wise counsel. Because of your friendship and efforts they will be encouraged and strengthened. Do not be afraid of your friends or strangers.

Be ever so careful in the friends you choose and the activities you attend and where they are held. It is in questionable activities and through false friends that Lucifer may appear to you and lead you away. Choose friends who are of the same interest in church and dedication that you have for they will be uplifting and faithful to you and assist where they can.

Choose good friends those that love the Lord as you do. You can gain strength from your friends which will help you make the right decisions which will bring you the blessings you desire.

If you live a clean wholesome, good life, your friends and peers and members of your family will be attracted to you and you will see some of them come into the Church. Sister *****, choose your friends carefully. Anyone who asks you to break either the laws of the land or the laws of God is not a true friend and a fit companion for you.

You will have friends.

You will have an opportunity to share the gospel with friends that you meet in school and later on in life, throughout your lifetime.

Your empathy will endear friends and associates to you in such a manner that you will be effective in influencing the lives of many people for good.

Choose righteous friends and walk with the righteous because you are one of those who needs reassurance.

You will influence your friends throughout your life. You will have your hand of fellowship and friendship out to all.

You will readily make friends.

You will be loved by your friends and associates because of your diligence and faithfulness.

Be careful in your selection of friends because your eternal partner will be chosen from among those that you associate with.

I bless you to have charity in your heart for all people, for all those with whom you come in contact, that you will exhibit the true love of Christ to them, but that you will take for your close friends, those who cherish their Church membership and rejoice in serving God.

I bless you, too, that you might recall promises made to friends who came to earth before you. You will share the thrill of going into the waters of baptism and laying your hands upon the heads of those you teach to confirm them members of the Lord's church. You will be their friends, always staying in touch, and they will love and respect you. You will be a friend to all.

Do not hesitate to defend the church and your testimony. Because of it you will form friends and associations that will last throughout your life.

You have many friends who look up to you and admire you. You will be given many opportunities to talk with them about the church.

I bless you that you will know when friends and associates are attempting to have you deviate from good decisions you have made.

You live in a marvelous time, with security in your home and in your association with family and friends. Your association with your friends has been an important foundation in your young years.

You will develop friendships that will continue into the eternities.

You will be relied upon by friends and associates.

I bless you with determination to follow the teachings you have been given when making choices and in selecting friends.

Share your testimony and invite your friends to read the Book of Mormon and to come to Church.

Choose carefully your friends to strengthen each other.

I bless you to have friends and support all your days.

I bless you to be a loyal friend and an example of righteous womanhood.

You have seen in your life many that are on a course of self-destruction and through your wisdom and through your friendship, your counsel will change the lives of your friends, will strengthen them and they will call you blessed because of sharing your time and testimony with them. When you speak to your friends, speak with the spirit, speak with a desire to uplift and strengthen, speak words of wisdom.

Assertively seek out and associate with those who share your love for the atoning blessings of the Savior and for the wonders of the restoration.

You are a joy to your family, friends and associates.

Choose good friends who will encourage you to make righteous choices. Be one of those righteous friends to them

It will be important for you to select your friends and associates wisely.

Dear brother, choose your friends carefully, for they will influence your desire to keep the standards of the church.

Go out as Thomas S. Monson does, to be with them, love them, be a friend and a help.

Prophets, parents, friends, and the spirit of Christ and the Holy Ghost are available to you, to help direct you on a proper course and to uplift you as needed. Be careful with whom you associate. Do not side with those who live contrary to the ways of the Lord.

You have been blessed with the ability to be a good friend to those who need a good friend.

You will have many opportunities to visit with a neighbor, a co-worker, a schoolmate, or a friend and share with them the importance of this great work restored in these latter days.

Choose good friends. I bless you that you will have the desire to put forth the effort to have good friends for they will be helpful to you and you to them as you go through life.

Heavenly Father will assist you in your desire to become more comfortable in conversing with people and becoming their friend.

Seek friends who are desirous of lifting and helping you live the principles of the gospel.

Choose your friends wisely because it is through these good friends that you will meet your future spouse.

You have a talent and an interest in being friendly and loving others. They will appreciate and return that love.

You have been blessed with the ability to be a friend to others.

Blessing #6
Be careful as you choose friends upon this earth. Choose friends who are like unto you.

Blessing #23
You are blessed to associate with people who are not members of the church. As you do so, set the standard and let them know what you believe.

Blessing #49
Choose your friends carefully and find among them those with whom you would like to go through life and all eternity. Remember that your friends can either help or hinder your progression.

Blessing #80
There shall be known, as you associate throughout your sojourn in mortality, those who would abuse the name of the Lord with foul language; you shall come to know and love your Lord deeply, within your heart and testimony, remove yourself from their presence, do not let them abuse your Friend. The Savior, Jesus Christ, shall be your Friend as you allow Him to enter into your life.

Blessing #123
You will have close friendship and companionship with good people. Many will draw to you because of the sincere devotion you show.