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18% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Charity.

Thou shalt be a mighty instrument in relieving the afflicted and the poor and many shall bless the Lord and bless thee on account of the benefits received from thee.

Thou shalt earn an inheritance in Zion and shall be mistress of a large house and feed many saints. Through thy liberality the hearts of man shall be made glad.

Thou shalt feed many in time of scarcity.

It shall please your heart to do good to those that need assistance.

Thou shalt comfort the afflicted, feed the hungry, and clothe the naked.

Indeed thou hast comforted the afflicted, fed the hungry, clothed the naked and great is thy reward in Heaven.

Be full of faith, hope and charity.

You are called you help your sisters in the covenant to bless and administer unto the poor and the needy, a calling if faithful performed will call down blessings upon you.

I bless you that you may have wherewith to feed the hungry and cloth the naked and administer to the wants of the needed.

Thou shalt be blest with the blessings of Heaven and earth, with much means to do much good, according to thy benevolent heart, and shall be a benefactor to the poor and needy who will rise up and call thee blessed.

The Lord will remember thee for thy liberality and will deal liberally with thee.

Thou shall not lack for the comforts of life, and no one shall be turned from thy door hungry.

Thou shalt be enabled to obtain the comforts of life, all sufficient for thy needs; also for the assistance of the poor and needy, whose friend and helper thou shalt always be.

Thy door shall always be open to the weary and oppressed.

Thou shalt feed the hungry and administer comfort to the afflicted, and shall encourage those who are depressed in spirit and shall counsel and strengthen the weak among the saints.

Thou shall not lack for the comforts of life and no one shall be turned from thy door hungry and for thy kindness many shall remember thee in after years.

It will be thy calling after the judgements of God have been poured out upon the wicked to administer comfort to those who come to Zion, poor and hungry and in this labor you will be greatly blessed.

The poor and needy shall honor thy name.

I bless you that you may be full of faith and open charity and of the testimony of Jesus.

See to it that you share with the poor and the needy the abundance of temporal blessings that will bestowed upon you.

Don't be too closed in putting your hand in your pocket for the benefit of the poor, and also for the different things that you will be called upon in the Church for improvements. The spirit of charity covers a multitude of sins and causes your friend to love you in years to come, for your love and kindness you have shown toward him.

It will also be thy privilege to share of thy substance with many who are less fortunate than thyself.

You have much to do in the earth for it shall be your duty to feed the hungry and to clothe the naked, and you shall be a father to the fatherless.

I seal upon you the gifts of faith, of hope, and charity. You shall be charitable to the poor, even to a fault.

Thou shalt bless the sick and shall administer to the poor and the needy.

I seal upon you the blessing to give and to lend, Yea, to give the best that is in you for the good of mankind. And know this, Dear Sister, that for all you shall give and bestow upon your fellowmen, you shall receive in return an hundred fold, Yea, heaped up, pressed down and running over, till your heart shall be full to the overflowing.

You shall be blessed in helping the poor, and the hungry shall not be turned from your door for the Lord will open your way to succeed and will bless you because of your liberality and kindness unto your fellow creatures.

Thou shalt administer to the wants of the poor, the needy, and administer to the wants of the widow and fatherless.

You shall always have plenty for yourself and your family and have some to spare for those who are in need.

You shall have plenty for your self and family and some to spare for the poor and the needy.

You shall bring this about through your obedience to the Gospel plan. This means patience, love, sacrifice and charity, which is the pure love of Jesus Christ. Live them, make them a part of you and your children shall bless you forever.

I bless you with charity that you will continue to share with the Lord and administer to the wants of the needy.

If you will be kind to those less fortunate you shall not want for the good things of life and your basket shall be filled.

Be kind to the poor.

Be concerned with others who are less fortunate than you are. The Lord has said we are our brothers keeper. Many blessings can come to those who will aid and assist others who are unable to fulfill the measure of their creation here upon the earth without the aid and assistance of their friends and neighbors.

One of your talents is that of charity.

I bless you that as you assume the responsibilities of husband and father you shall be guided to fill this responsibility in nobleness, having an understanding heart full of charity and love, and bless you that you shall be dependable and trustworthy as the Lord places responsibilities upon you.

Seek after faith, hope, charity and love. These are the qualities that will prepare you for an inheritance in the Celestial kingdom of God.

You will help the poor and needy.

I bless you that in your ministry you will help to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, minister to the sick and the afflicted, and speak peace and comfort to the downcast and sorrowing.

You will be willing to share the blessings your Father in Heaven bestows upon you with others and thus you will be blessed for all the kind and good things that you do.

I bless you that you might develop the gift charity. As you are kind and share yourself with others, you will feel within a deeper sense of love for God and for those around you, especially family members.

I bless you with a generous heart and soul that you will reach out to those less fortunate than yourself and lift them up spiritually and also help them temporally when necessary.

Go forward in faith, with hope in your heart and charity for others and your life will continue to be happy and full.

Continue to use your talents in the service of others. You will always have a desire to bless the lives of others as you minister to their needs in times of crisis.

Be aware of those less fortunate than yourself. Share with them the things they need in life. Help heal them physically and spiritually that they can be comforted.

I bless you with the gift of charity, the love of God.

Let charity fill your soul with kindness for others.

The Holy Ghost will instill in you a sense of virtue, kindness, goodness, tenderness, gentleness and charity.

You have the gift to be charitable and kind to others.

You will be well prepared to take care of the needs that shall arise in others from time to time. You shall be able to care for these brothers and sisters as they may stand in need.

There will be other good and worthy institutions to which you can give time and your money to help.

You are blessed with a compassionate spirit and a charitable tender heart.

Pray to have the gift of charity.

Your gift of compassion will develop into charity - the pure love of Christ as you uplift the downtrodden.

You are a kind, charitable individual.

Your love will be as the pure love of Christ when you see the good in others and forgive those who offend you.

The church is reaching out throughout the world in trying to help people who are in distress and problems and it is through the Relief Society program particularly that much can be done to help relieve the suffering of people. Your Father in Heaven wants you to always express your love and your talents in regards to this when there are opportunities that come your way.

May you always be willing to give of yourself.

You will develop the attribute of charity, the pure love of Christ.

You and your family will find great happiness and joy in being able to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and care for those who are not quite as blessed as yourself. You will have endless charity, the pure love of the Savior.

You are compassionate, you are loving, and these gifts, even gifts of charity, of pure love, of tender love will be a great blessing to those with whom you associate.

I bless you with a charitable heart that you will be sensitive to the needs of others, that you will be able to help them.

I bless you with a feeling for the importance of reaching out to others, identifying their needs, and doing something to help meet those needs.

Heavenly Father will use you throughout your life and will, in fact, wear you out serving others. I bless you that, if you will continue to do this, caring for the needy, caring for the single sisters, all the days of your life, you will have joy.

You and your eternal companion will lead the way in many efforts to serve those who are less fortunate and are in need of encouragement.

Be aware of those in need and reach out and lift those who are less fortunate than you. Always be mindful of those around you and look for opportunities to minister to them. Be charitable, friendly, and kind in all that you do.